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Creative Spark: Writing Prompt Week 6

8 Sep 2022 11:28 AM | Megan Cole

Writing prompts and exercises can be the perfect way to move your writing project forward. Some of our members have shared their favourite writing prompts to spark your creativity.

Fold a piece of lined paper in half, lengthwise.

List ten nouns on left side of the fold, starting at the top line and then every other line.

Turn it over so you can’t see the nouns and make a list of ten verbs on the right side of the page, starting on the top line and every other line.

Open the page and make sentences or one long one, connecting nouns and verbs opposite.

Useful when stuck or when beginning, especially if you use words connected to subject of poem or story. 

About Susan Andrews Grace:

Hypatia’s Wake, sixth book of poetry, to be released by Inanna Publications September 2022.

Writing Through Doubt, Oxygen Art Centre – an online cross-discipline seminar for writers and visual artists who experience doubt in their work. Writing in this class will be for the sake of process; it does not require experience in writing. Suitable both for those emerging and those established in their practices. The cross-discipline aspect adds perspective not usually available to those working alone. Seminars will include readings, exercises, in-class writing, and discussion.

For more about Susan Andrews Grace click here.

Supported by the British Columbia Arts Council

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