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Member Milestones

Have you recently accomplished a writing-related goal? We want to celebrate it with you by including your milestone in a special feature in the next WordWorks magazine. Milestones may include hitting your word count, publishing your work in a literary journal, signing with an agent, speaking at your first live event, and so on. The possibilities are endless, and no celebration is too big or too small.

This feature is currently limited to members of the Federation of BC Writers.

To participate, submit a brief description of your milestone via our Member Milestones form. Please write in third person. The form will accept a maximum of 240 characters.

Space is limited, so submissions may be edited for clarity and length. We will do our best to include all submissions but cannot guarantee space in the next issue.

Questions? Contact Rachel Muller, Managing Editor, at

Supported by the British Columbia Arts Council

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PO BOX 3503 Courtenay, BC, V9N 6Z8

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