The Editing Room (with Valerie Lorraine) (all genres)
Bring your short passage or poem to our group. Let us know what you like about it, what you are trying to convey, what you hope to strengthen in the verse/passage. Allow the group to offer you constructive criticism. Expect to hear about the strengths, where it can be bolstered, favourite lines, words, and what concepts/response the reader has to your work. This is a safe space where we have the opportunity to be vulnerable and accept the positively constructed feedback in order to take your writing to the next level.
Participants are encouraged to be honest within the guidelines of compassionate communication. We will practice positive feedback, with the sandwich approach or positive, constructive, positive for your consideration. The writer can further explore the feedback with questions. Consistent participation over the duration of meetings is essential as feedback from multiple sources will offer the best source of support for each writer.
Max # of participants: 15 (7 spaces available)
Date/time: 2nd and 4th Wednesday at 7:00 pm
Duration: 90-120 minutes