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Support the Federation of BC Writers

The Federation of BC Writers is grateful for all of the contributions we receive from our community.  In supporting the federation, you are supporting artists and artistic practice across BC and the Yukon.  We have several options for donations including one time, monthly, and annual contributions. 

To ensure the best use of these donations, we ask donors to let us know where you would like your dollars used.  Additional fund categories may be added at later dates based on requests from donors.  All donations of over $25 will receive a tax receipt.

Thank you for your consideration!


Transformation Legacy Fund

It's no secret that funding is becoming increasingly difficult to attain in the arts. In August 2024, the Federation of BC Writers sent out a survey to Literary Organization around the province. It was a sustainability temperature check to see if the experiences we were having at the Federation were endemic of the entire community.

We are still analysing the results, but the initial data is worse than we expected.



Across all grant funders for organisations that had received funding in the past, 64.15% noted it was much harder or somewhat harder to attain. Only 7.04% noted that it was somewhat or much easier to attain and the easier funding was not coming from funders dedicated to the arts.

Only 9% of all charitable donations are made to arts organizations in Canada2

The Federation of BC Writers has worked diligently for years to deliver outstanding programming while maintaining low costs to participation.

Writing Circle Fund

Writing Circles are an increasingly important program at the Federation of BC Writers. The concept is simple; members support, inform, and champion each other in a peer-to-peer program.

Over the last 2 years, Writing Circles have become one of our most highly attended and valued programs. It is unfortunately, administratively intensive. We have established a fund at the FBCW to ensure we have the resources needed to expand available spaces and provide more support to the program.

Please consider a donation today that will impact hundreds of writers across BC.


1. 27% or 7 out of 26 organisations in the survey noted that it was somewhat likely they would need to cease operations within 2 years and 8% or 2 of the 26 have already cease operations or are in the  process of ceasing operations.

2. 2024 Giving Report from Canada Helps

Supported by the British Columbia Arts Council

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2021-2022 All Rights Reserved Federation of BC Writers

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PO BOX 3503 Courtenay, BC, V9N 6Z8

Registered Charity Number: 127661718

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