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The Federation of British Columbia Writers (FBCW) website is a community meeting place for writers and provides information on literary arts topics. The views expressed herein are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policies or positions of the FBCW. The information contained herein is not intended to substitute for the advice of a legal professional or a specialist in the individual topics mentioned, and you are advised always to consult a professional directly for specific information. Unless otherwise specifically indicated, the naming of any publisher, organization or individual on this site does not imply FBCW endorsement. FBCW’s work with industry partners and sponsors is guided by a Federation Sponsorship Policy approved by FBCW’s Board of Directors. FBCW shall not be responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused, or alleged to be caused, by or in connection with, use of or reliance on, any information, goods or services available on or through FBCW’s website or links.

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The FBCW collects, may use and disclose personal information for the purpose of carrying out the objects of the FBCW for the benefit of its members. The FBCW does not collect, use or disclose personal information for any purpose unrelated to or incompatible with these purposes. By providing your personal information, you are consenting to it being collected, used and disclosed only for these FBCW purposes. Further information about the FBCW’s personal information policies can be obtained by contacting the Federation.

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You further agree to treat the personal information that is available to you on this site in strict confidence and will not copy in any way nor distribute nor use for direct commercial purposes any personal information of the members of the FBCW that is placed on this site.

Supported by the British Columbia Arts Council

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PO BOX 3503 Courtenay, BC, V9N 6Z8

Registered Charity Number: 127661718

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