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Purpose Statement

The Federation of British Columbia Writers will:

  • Promote excellence and professionalism in the literary arts in British Columbia
  • Improve the status of the literary arts in British Columbia by encouraging publication; providing information on markets and workshops; sponsoring readings, workshops and seminars; and establishing communication between writers and interested agents and markets
  • Encourage greater recognition of British Columbia writers and their achievements regionally and nationally
  • Provide information on the Province’s literary resources to the people of British Columbia
  • Work cooperatively with other provincial and federal agencies and organizations concerned with writing and writing standards
  • Encourage and support young emerging writers in British Columbia

Adapted from the Constitution of the Federation of British Columbia Writers

Supported by the British Columbia Arts Council

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2021-2022 All Rights Reserved Federation of BC Writers

Email us at

PO BOX 3503 Courtenay, BC, V9N 6Z8

Registered Charity Number: 127661718

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