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Welcome to Writing Circle Winter 2024 Intake Registration! Writing Circles are designed to provide support to members of the Federation of BC Writers based on area of focus, audience, and or identity.

We have many new groups starting to help you advance your writing goals. Most of the Circles will be using the same Zoom link and splitting into breakout rooms after the meeting starts. Below are the circles you can join. Each Circle is set up as a different type of ticket for when you select registration and most have a waitlist enabled. Please note that many the Circles operate at the same time, so please only register for one Circle unless you have confirmed that they don't overlap.

For more information, contact To suggest a Circle, please complete this form

A Zoom link will be sent to you based on the Circle you join closer to the first session. The signup deadline is Sunday, February 11, 2024.

IMPORTANT NOTE: There is limited space in each group.

We will contact you directly to update you on your registration.

Based on the volume of emails we are receiving expressing interest in the Circles, we anticipate that some will fill up quickly.

If you would like to volunteer to host a Circle for our next intake, please fill out this form: Writing Circles Facilitator Intake  or contact Meaghan Hackinen at

IMPORTANT NOTE: There is limited space in each group.

We will reach out to you directly to update you on your registration as spaces fill up.

Based on the volume of e-mails we are receiving expressing interest in the circles, we anticipate that some will fill up quickly.

If you would like to volunteer to host a circle, please contact Meaghan Hackinen at

Registration is currently closed and will reopen in August 2024

Writing Circles are a benefit of membership in the Federation of BC Writers as they are made possible by the dues collected in our community of writers.

New Writing Circles 

All Things Haiku (poetry)

Description: Come have fun with haiku and other Japanese short forms! Open to newbies through to pros; we can all always learn more from each other. A chance to practice, share, and play some haiku games in a safe, non-judgemental setting.

Max # of participants: open

Date and time: 4th Wednesday at 7 pm

Duration: 90 minutes

Queer Tales: Queer and Trans Writers of Fiction Connect (fiction)

Description: A group for writers who identify as LGBTQIA2S+ and want to share a space with other queer and trans writers. This peer support group will provide opportunities to connect and discuss current projects, set goals and hold each other accountable, and share samples of work for critique.

Max # of participants: 12 

Date and time: 2nd and 4th Wednesday at 7 pm

Duration: 90 minutes

CNF Memoir for Queer Writers (creative nonfiction/memoir)

Description: This is a peer group for queer writers interested in discussing their writing practices and sharing memoir writing for feedback in a carefully curated respectful space. We would meet once monthly for 120 minutes with opportunities for folks to share approx 1500 - 2000 words of their writing. The group is intended to offer continuity for writers interested in working on longer pieces and returning with revisions for additional feedback.

Max # of participants: 8 (only one space available)

Date and time: 4th Thursday at 11 am

Duration: 120 minutes

New Writing Circles with No Available Spaces


Description: Open to anyone who wants to practice and discuss the craft of screenwriting. I'm hoping to balance discussing films as cultural texts, sharing and critiquing the work of members, and giving exercises as inspiration for those who aren't currently in progress on a larger project of their own.

Max # of participants: 20 (FULL)

Date and time: 2nd and 4th Wednesday at 7 pm

Duration: 90 minutes

The Long Haul: Long-Format Projects (various genres)

Description: This group is suitable for authors working on a novel, short story collection, or book of poems and who’re looking for the support and encouragement of a writers community. For the first half hour we’ll discuss challenges related to a long term project, as well as our personal break-troughs and stumble blocks. Then we’ll write together in silence for 40 to 45 minutes.

Max # of participants: 8 (FULL)

Date and time: 2nd Wednesday at 7 pm

Duration: 75 minutes

Poetry Sharing Cafe 

Description: Ease into your chair with a cup of coffee. We will write to prompts and share our work, and we will encourage our fellow writers to keep at it. For all ages and levels of ability. This is a chance to write and share our work and to talk a bit about the craft. We will also talk about publishing opportunities as they come up.

Max # of participants: 8 (FULL)

Date and time: 3rd Sunday at 1:30 pm

Duration: 90 minutes

Peer Support Poetry (poetry)

Description: A monthly group to foster and encourage poets of all levels of experience. We’ll start with a check in to see how we’ve met our goals for the previous month, and we’ll end each session with setting new goals for the upcoming month. We’ll also keep each other motivated and inspired, discuss craft and the submission process, share resources about craft and places to submit, celebrate our successes, and support each other as we build community. (not a critique group)

Max # of participants: 10 (FULL)

Date and time: 2nd Wednesday at 7 pm

Duration: 75 minutes

Dark Fiction - Short Stories to Novels (fiction)

Description: In this group we will explore writing from the dark side: Paranormal, Thriller, Horror, Dystopian and more. We will share works in progress and discuss plotting, character development (and more) as well as publication and contest options for our stories.

Max # of participants: 10 (FULL)

Date and time: 4th Thursday at 11 am 

Duration: 90 minutes

Self Exploration Through Story (prose)

Description: Writing for healing/processing is usually done in the form of free writing or memoirs. As a writer and recently retired counsellor, I’d like to explore instead with participants how writing stories about someone else can help us process emotionally “undigested” material. Each group starts with a short meditation and check-in, followed by reading some recently written material, a careful discussion (not critique) of the material, and a technical discussion of story (character, story arc, etc.), and closing with a hopeful/encouraging/inspiring insight by each participant. Great care will be taken to maintain confidentiality and not retraumatize participants. This is a writing group, not a group therapy session.

Max # of participants: 8 (FULL) 

Date and time: 2nd and 4th Wednesday at 7 pm

Duration: 120 minutes

Long Haul Accountability

It is so helpful for writers at the start or in the middle of longer writing projects to have regular ongoing accountability. In our weekly sessions, we will check-in, discuss current status, objectives, challenges and possible solutions, as well as celebrating forward movement. Once a month session on technique and/or critique/editing sessions.

Max # of participants: 8 (FULL)

Date and time: 2nd Sunday of the month at 10:30 am 

Duration: 75 minutes

Flash Fiction (fiction)

Description: Flash fiction is a wonderful way to practice genres, explore new forms, and styles, and stretch your creativityand all in 6-500 words.

Max # of participants: 15 (FULL)

Date and time: 4th Thursday at 11 am

Duration: 90 minutes

Get the Story Straight (fiction)

Description: A discussion of what makes stories work. Troubleshooting participant’s plot problems and sharing story structures and plots that members have found inspirational.

Max # of participants: 15 (FULL)

Date and time: 4th Thursday at 11 am

Duration: Up to 90 minutes

Poeting with Valerie Lorraine (poetry)

Description: Come push your pen with a group of like-minded writers. We will explore writing styles, push the boundaries of writer's block, create powerful micros, work on effective imagery, vulnerability and explore known and unknown Poets to inspire us. Group discussions and sharing is encouraged. Let’s have some fun and work together to find ways to grow our writing!

Max # of participants: 15 

Date and time: 2nd and 4th Wednesday at 7 pm

Duration: 60 - 120 minutes

Writing and Pitching Travel Stories Chat Group (creative nonfiction)

Description: Are you interested in writing and publishing short travel stories? Let's learn and support each other by sharing tips and resources in this informal group discussion. New and published travel writers welcome.

Max # of participants: 6 with 2 co-hosts (FULL)

Date and time: 4th Thursday at 11 am (begins in March)

Duration: 60 minutes

Steadfast Memoir Group

Description: This group is designed for individuals committed to completing a memoir. The expectation is to write (and present) 1,500 - 1,800 words per meeting. Given the sensitivity of some topics, sessions can be emotionally exhausting so kindness and diplomacy when providing feedback is key.

Max # of participants: 5 (FULL)

Date and time: 2nd and 4th Wednesday at 7 pm  

Duration: 120 minutes

Writing for Your Life (creative nonfiction)

Description: These evocative & powerful techniques & tools will allow you to begin to explore the story of your life:

  • journal writing & automatic writing
  • writing memory from landscape, maps & imagination
  • writing from cherished objects, photographs & artifacts
  • writing this moment
  • dream journalling
  • archetypes, fairy tales, & the hero’s journey
  • writing an inspired future

What will you do?

  • In the company of others you will:
  • write your life story in a powerful & engaging manner
  • wrestle your demons & dialogue with your inner critic
  • heal your broken heart
  • share your laughter & have fun
  • write yourself into love & joy
  • celebrate your story in a community of writers
  • strengthen your voice & discover new confidence in yourself as a writer

You are

  • experienced as a writer
  • emerging as a writer
  • brave & curious
  • ready to take your writing to the next level
  • looking for supportive & challenging readers & fellow writers

Max # of participants: 12 (FULL) 

Date and time: 2nd and 4th Wednesday at 7 pm Pacific Time

Duration: 120 minutes

Storytelling: Bringing Back The Living Room (various genres)

Description: Bringing Back The Living Room is intended to provide a safe, non-judgmental space for participants to share their original poetry, short stories, performance storytelling, songs and even memoir if they are comfortable. Writing exercises will also be part of our gatherings.

Max # of participants: 10 (FULL)

Date and time: 2nd Wednesday at 7 pm

Duration: up to 120 minutes

CNF Circle 'n' Feedback (creative nonfiction)

Description: This group will be focused on discussing each other's work and providing constructive feedback: identifying strengths, offering areas for revision, and sharing insights and reactions. You can submit one piece of writing (up to 2500 words) or two flash CNF pieces (500-1000 words each) every two months. You should be prepared to provide editorial feedback to three other writers every month. We will also set aside 20 minutes of circle time at each meeting to talk about one aspect of learning, practising, and sharing our craft (e.g., inspiration, writing process, choosing literary magazines, submitting to contests).

Max # of participants: 7 (FULL)

Date and time: 4th Thursday at 1 pm

Duration: 90 minutes


Existing Writing Circles with No Available Spaces

Kid Lit Writers (various genres)

This group is welcoming all writers of kid lit from picture books, to middle grade, and young adult. Our goal is to create a supportive community to connect, share and learn from other writers.

Max # participants: 12 (FULL)

Date/time: 2nd and 4th Wednesday, 7 pm 

Length: 60 minutes

Mid-Career Writers (various genres) 

“If you're already a professional writer or published author and you want to grow your career, this group is for you. The Mid-Career Writers' Group will be a place for established writers to connect with peers and share knowledge to take their careers to the next level.”

Max # of participants: 10 (FULL)

Date/time: Last Thursday of the month at 12 pm 

Duration: 60 minute

Accountability Club (various genres)

For writers who want a little extra support to stay on track. This group checks in at our meeting on our progress on our goals at the start of the meeting and then sets new ones for us to report on for the next. We are often each other's cheerleaders and share tips and tricks to help each other.

Max # of participants: 8 (FULL)

Date/time: 2nd Wednesday at 7 pm 

Duration: 60 minutes


A memoir writing group focused on discussion, support, critique and self-care. Submit a monthly writing sample of 2000 words for feedback.

Max # participants: 6 (FULL)

Date/time: 4th Wednesday, 7 pm 

Length: 90 minutes

Note: start Sept 27, 2023

EFF Cubed Fiction Workshop (fiction)

Readers and writers of this fiction group enjoy learning and improving their craft by sharing constructive commentary. Members are willing to read and review submissions prior to the meeting and provide focused commentary. Discussion will be based on submissions.

Max # of participants: 8 (FULL)

Date/time: 4th Wednesday at 7 pm 

Duration: 120 minutes

Novel Writing (fiction)

The group is for peer feedback on writing, brainstorming potential solutions to writing problems, and accountability for meeting goals — all as needed/wanted by participants.

Max # participants: 10 (FULL)

Date/time: 1st Sunday of the month at 10:30 am

Length: 90 minutes

Travel Memoir Writing (memoir and creative nonfiction)

A monthly meeting focused on the craft and business of travel writing, with opportunities to check in and share how your writing projects are going, solicit advice/recommendations, workshop a short piece, and discuss topics related to travel writing.

Max # of participants: 12 (FULL)

Date/time: 4th Thursday at 2 pm 

Duration: 90 minutes


Calling all poets! Come write, discuss each other’s poetry, and keep ourselves inspired and accountable with prompts, co-writing and critiquing.

Max # participants: 10 (FULL)

Date/Time: 2nd and 4th Wednesday at 7 pm 

Duration: 90 minutes

Creative Non-Fiction 

We're a small group focussing on memoir and other forms of CNF. We plan to meet once a month and we'll be taking turns sharing work for critique while also supporting each other's growth as developing writers.

Max # participants: 8 (FULL)

Date/time: 2nd Sunday, 10:30 am 

Length: 120 minutes


For fiction writers who hone their craft through the art of giving and receiving critiques. Members upload their works to a shared drive where critiques and comments are added to the document prior to the meetings. The twice monthly meetings then serve as an opportunity to highlight key points and to engage in thoughtful discussions.

Max # participants: 6 (FULL)

Date/time: 2nd and 4th Thursdays, 7 pm 

Length: 120 minutes 


Supported by the British Columbia Arts Council

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PO BOX 3503 Courtenay, BC, V9N 6Z8

Registered Charity Number: 127661718

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