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Writing Circle: Challenges in CNF Writing (creative nonfiction)

  • 26 Feb 2025
  • 25 Jun 2025
  • Zoom
  • 0


(depends on selected options)

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Challenges in CNF Writing (creative nonfiction)

In each meeting of this group, we will select a particular challenge in creative nonfiction writing and discuss various ways we might approach that challenge, using examples from our own or others' writing. For example, we might look at finding the narrative arc in a story where what might be considered the climax event doesn't happen at the beginning of the narrative. Or we might look at the challenge of using dialogue to liven the text when we don't have dialogue that we can quote with any accuracy, such as when we can only try to reconstruct dialogue as we remember it or as we imagine it might have been. Another challenge might be scene setting or character building when we have limited information, such as when entire relationships happened over the internet during the pandemic. Or we might look at finding themes and incorporating them or at finding the universal message in a CNF story. The challenges of CNF writing are limitless and this group will take the time to examine imaginative ways to deal with them. 

Max # of participants: 8 (FULL)

Date/time: 4th Wednesday at 7:00 pm Pacific

Duration: 30 to 120 minutes (group will discuss and decide)

Supported by the British Columbia Arts Council

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