CNF - Queer Memoir Writing (creative nonfiction/memoir)
Description: This is a peer group for queer writers who centre their writing on personal experiences. Its current six members have been meeting and sharing works (sometimes poetic, sometimes formatted as story), since spring 2024. We offer a respectful space wherein our members offer feedback to support the development of each other’s work. We meet once monthly for 120 minutes with opportunities for folks to share pieces that are approx. 1500 - 2500 words. Most members are working on longer pieces. The group is open to considering revisions for additional feedback.
Max # of participants: 8 (1 space available)
Date and time: 4th Thursday at 11:00 am
Duration: 120 minutes
Email us at
PO BOX 3503 Courtenay, BC, V9N 6Z8
Registered Charity Number: 127661718