Join us Tuesday, April 18th at 7pm PT for Regional Spotlight: Clayoquot Writers Group with host Meaghan Hackinen. Register here (bcwriters.ca/events-for-writers) and a link will be sent to you. When it's time for the event, click on the link to join the live Zoom event. Looking forward to seeing you there!
Digital Doors Open at 655pm!

David Floody M.Ed. is a retired academic English teacher living and writing novels in Tofino, BC. His novels have at their core a theme of retributive justice. He is a member of the Federation of BC Writers, the Canadian Authors Association, and Clayoquot Writers Group.

Heather Hendry is a school teacher and Tofino's Poet Laureate 2022-2024. A member of the Federation of British Columbia Writers and an associate member of the Canadian League of Poets, Heather’s work has appeared in Sea & Cedar Magazine, Van Isle Poetry Collection and League of Canadian Poets Poetry Pause. Handmade Binoculars is her debut collection.

Helen Mavoa has been privileged to write and capture photo-images in this unceded Tla-o-qui-aht territory of exceptional beauty since 2012. Work within this creative community includes a photo-essay exploring intergenerational impacts of COVID in Clayoquot Sound. She’s currently finalising a travel memoir capturing some of her adventures, literal and figurative.

Joanna Streetly’s most recent book, Wild Fierce Life: Dangerous Moments on the Outer Coast, is a BC Bestseller published by Caitlin Press. Find her in Best Canadian Essays 2017 , April’s Prairie Fire and many anthologies. She has lived in Tofino since 1990 and was the 2018-2020 Tofino Poet Laureate.

Meaghan Hackinen (FBCW host): is a bike-obsessed bookworm on a lifelong hunt for exceptional cycling routes, both on and off the pavement.She lives on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territory of the Syilx/Okanagan People in Kelowna, BC.
*This event will be recorded.