Welcome to Writing Circle 2024 Intake Registration! Writing Circles are designed to provide support to members of the Federation of BC Writers based on area of focus, audience, and or identity.
We have many new groups starting to help you advance your writing goals. Most of the circles will be using the same zoom link and splitting into breakout rooms after the meeting starts. Below are the circles you can join. Each circle is set up as a different type of ticket for when you select registration and most have a waitlist enabled. Please note that most of the circles operate at the same time, so please only register for one circle unless you have confirmed that they don't overlap.
For more information, contact meaghan@bcwriters.ca. To suggest a Circle, please complete this form.
A Zoom link will be sent to you based on the Circle you join closer to the first session. The signup deadline is Sunday, February 11, 2024.
New Writing Circles - Stay tuned for more info!
Existing Writing Circles
Kid Lit Writers (2 spaces available)
This group is welcoming all writers of kid lit from picture books, to middle grade, and young adult. Our goal is to create a supportive community to connect, share and learn from other writers.
Max # participants: 12
Date/time: 2nd Wednesday, 7 pm
Length: 60 minutes
Mid-Career Writers (2 spaces available)
“If you're already a professional writer or published author and you want to grow your career, this group is for you. The Mid-Career Writers' Group will be a place for established writers to connect with peers and share knowledge to take their careers to the next level.”
Max # of participants: 10
Date/time: Last Thursday of the month at 12 pm
Duration: 60 minute
Accountability Club (3 spaces)
For writers who want a little extra support to stay on track. This group checks in at our meeting on our progress on our goals at the start of the meeting and then sets new ones for us to report on for the next. We are often each other's cheerleaders and share tips and tricks to help each other.
Max # of participants: 8
Date/time: 2nd Wednesday at 7 pm
Duration: 60 minutes
Memoir FULL
A memoir writing group focused on discussion, support, critique and self-care. Bi-monthly submit a writing sample of 2000 words for feedback.
Max # participants: 6
Date/time: 4th Wednesday, 7 pm
Length: 90 minutes
Note: start Sept 27, 2023
Personal Essays and CNF Short Stories: A Critique Group for Writers Submitting to Publications FULL
If you want to develop or strengthen a writing habit that includes submitting short-form creative non-fiction for publication, please join us. In our twice-monthly sessions, we’ll provide supportive and balanced critique and share insights to prepare our work for publication. You can submit one essay or story (up to 2,000 words) for feedback each month and should be prepared to provide critique for up to four essays or stories twice a month.
Max # participants: 8
Date/time: 2nd and 4th Wednesdays at 7 pm
Length: 90 minutes
EFF Cubed Fiction Workshop FULL
Readers and writers of this fiction group enjoy learning and improving their craft by sharing constructive commentary. Members are willing to read and review submissions prior to the meeting and provide focused commentary. Discussion will be based on submissions.
Max # of participants: 8
Date/time: 4th Wednesday at 7 pm
Duration: 120 minutes
Novel Writing FULL
The group is for peer feedback on writing, brainstorming potential solutions to writing problems, and accountability for meeting goals — all as needed/wanted by participants.
Max # participants: open
Date/time: 1st Sunday of the month at 10:30 am
Length: 90 minutes
Travel Writing FULL
A monthly meeting focused on the craft and business of travel writing, with opportunities to check in and share how your writing projects are going, solicit advice/recommendations, workshop a short piece, and discuss topics related to travel writing.
Max # of participants: 12
Date/time: 4th Thursday at 2 pm
Duration: 90 minutes
Calling all poets! Come write, discuss each other’s poetry, and keep ourselves inspired and accountable with prompts, co-writing and critiquing.
Max # participants: 10
Date/Time: 2nd and 4th Wednesday at 7 pm
Duration: 90 minutes
Creative Non-Fiction FULL
We're a small group focussing on memoir and other forms of CNF. We plan to meet once a month and we'll be taking turns sharing work for critique while also supporting each other's growth as developing writers.
Max # participants: 8
Date/time: 2nd Sunday, 10:30 am
Length: 120 minutes
Fiction FULL
For fiction writers who hone their craft through the art of giving and receiving critiques. Members upload their works to a shared drive where critiques and comments are added to the document prior to the meetings. The twice monthly meetings then serve as an opportunity to highlight key points and to engage in thoughtful discussions.
Max # participants: 6
Date/time: 2nd and 4th Thursdays, 7 pm
Length: 120 minutes