Join us Tuesday, February 27 at 7:00 pm Pacific for Regional Spotlight: North Shore Writers’ Association with hosts Wiley Wei-Chiun Ho and Meaghan Hackinen. Register here and a link will be sent to you. When it's time for the event, click on the link to join the live Zoom event. We look forward to seeing you there!
PLEASE NOTE: we are changing our registration systems, so reminders may look a little different from normal after we migrate to the new platform.
Digital Doors Open at 6:55 pm!
Wiley Wei-Chiun Ho (regional host) is an award-winning author whose short stories and personal essays have appeared in River Teeth, ROOM, PRISM international, Ricepaper, WordWorks, and several anthologies. A member of the Asian Canadian Writers' Workshop, she also serves on the boards of the Federation of BC Writers and the North Shore Writers’ Association. Wiley is in the throes of completing a geopolitical memoir about growing up in a transnationally separated family between Taiwan and Canada. When dodging her desk, she can be found forest bathing and tree hugging. www.wileyweichiunho.com
Samantha Adkins is a writer and teacher living on beautiful Bowen Island. She has recently published an historical fictional novel, Enough, with Amazon KDP. She has also published four Jane Austen-inspired women’s fiction novels The Jane Austen Contest, published with Amazon KDP, Expectations, Suspiciously Reserved, and Banff Springs Abbey, published with City Lights Press. Her adult romance novels Emmy in Harding and After His Heart, and her young adult fantasy Not As They Appear have been published by CKN Christian Publishing. After His Heart won the 2019 Christian Indie Award for Fiction Romance.
Marie-Claude Arnott was born in France and lives in West Vancouver. She studied foreign languages, has a BA in International Studies/Law, and a certificate from the London School of Journalism. She was published digitally and in print. She is also a member of the North Shore Writers’ Association and the International Women Writing Guild.
Her first book, Biography of a Friendship will be released on March 14, 2024, by Tule Publishing.
Calvin Wharton has published fiction, non-fiction and poetry in Canada, the U.S., Wales, Sweden and Denmark. A former chair of Creative Writing at Douglas College and editor of Event magazine, he has also been writer in residence at the University of Wales and had a Coracle Europe residency in Sweden. His books include a collection of short fiction and two collections of poetry, most recently This Here Paradise (Anvil).
Meaghan Hackinen (FBCW host): is a bike-obsessed bookworm on a lifelong hunt for exceptional cycling routes, both on and off the pavement. Her cross-continental bike race memoir, Shifting Gears, was released by NeWest Press in 2023. This year, Meaghan is gearing up to compete in the Tour Divide: a self-supported 4,400-kilometre mountain bike race from Banff, Alberta to Antelope Wells, New Mexico. https://meaghanhackinen.com/
*This event will be recorded.