Join us for a panel and chat on book launches. Meaghan Hackinen, Ruth DyckFehderau, and Renée Sarojini Saklikar have all recently launched books. They will discuss what worked, what didn’t, and what we should expect as we take on what can for many be a daunting process. This panel is hosted by our own Meaghan Hackinen and will be an informative and fun evening. Each of our panellists will also share readings from their books.
Join us on Thursday, February 29 at 7:00 pm Pacific by registering here and a Zoom link for the event will be sent to you. When it’s time for the event you can click on the Zoom link to join the event.
Digital doors open at 6:55 pm!
Ruth DyckFehderau has written three books. I (Athena) was released by NeWest Press in April, 2023. E nâtamukw miyeyimuwin: Residential School Recovery Stories of the James Bay Cree, Volume One, nonfiction, written with James Bay Cree storytellers, was released in March, 2023. The Sweet Bloods of Eeyou Istchee: Stories of Diabetes and the James Bay Cree (2017), nonfiction, also written with James Bay Cree storytellers, is now in Second Edition (2020) and is being translated into five languages. Ruth sometimes teaches Creative Writing and English Lit at the University of Alberta where she is an Adjunct Professor. She has received many awards for writing and for teaching, and a few for activism. She lives in Edmonton with her partner. She is hearing-impaired.
Renée Sarojini Saklikar is the author of five books, including the award-winning Children of Air India and Listening to the Bees. Her poetry, essays and short fiction have appeared in many literary magazines and anthologies, including Exile Editions, Chatelaine, The Capilano Review, and Pulp Literature. Bramah’s Quest is the latest volume of her epic fantasy in verse, THOT J BAP, The Heart of This Journey Bears All Patterns. She was poet laureate for the City of Surrey 2015–2018 and volunteers for Event magazine, Meet the Presses collective, Surrey International Writers Conference and Poetry in Canada. Renée Sarojini teaches creative writing and editing at Kwantlen Polytechnic University and hosts Lunch Poems at SFU. Find out more
Meaghan Hackinen (FBCW host): is a bike-obsessed bookworm on a lifelong hunt for exceptional cycling routes, both on and off the pavement. Her cross-continental bike race memoir, Shifting Gears, was released by NeWest Press in 2023. This year, Meaghan is gearing up to compete in the Tour Divide: a self-supported 4,400-kilometre mountain bike race from Banff, Alberta to Antelope Wells, New Mexico.
**This event will be recorded
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